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    Cuyahoga County Engaged Allegro to Conduct a Real Estate Portfolio Assessment



    Allegro was engaged by Cuyahoga County to conduct an assessment of its real estate portfolio. After a change in governmental structure and new elected leadership, the County wanted to update its real estate strategy with strategic, operational, and financial improvements in mind.  In total, Allegro and its team analyzed 66 properties, toured over seven million square feet, interviewed over 50 elected officials and department heads, and surveyed/interviewed 20 counties to develop benchmarks and case studies. Each of the County’s properties was classified as Divest, Invest, or Hold and had a corresponding plan for successful implementation.


    Allegro developed a strategy, plan, and actionable tasks that have allowed the County to utilize its real estate assets more strategically, implement processes that will improve efficiencies, and put into place a long-term plan for its real estate portfolio. Finally, Allegro’s recommended strategy is expected to yield the County savings of more than $56 million over ten years. Allegro was also able to successfully manage and deliver this assignment during a substantial organizational restructuring over a contracted project timeline. This point is noteworthy and demonstrates Allegro’s ability to cross-coordinate with large organizations with diverse boards and a multitude of stakeholders.