Project Feasibility (2)

Allegro Helped the Greater Cleveland Partnership Create a Development Stategy for Underutilized Property

The Cuyahoga County Port Authority Engaged Allegro to Value Their Unique Cleveland Waterfront Land

Allegro Conducted a Reuse Study of an Eight-Acre Vacated Hospital Site for the City of Cleveland

BRAC Retains and Expands the DFAS Office in Cleveland After Reviewing Allegro's Business Case

Allegro assisted Kent, OH Through Several Phases of Planning, Evaluating, and Implementing a Major Community Revitalization

Allegro Conducted a Study for the Highest and Most Appropriate Use of a Municipally-owned Airport Site

Greater Cleveland Partnership Sought a Real Estate Development Feasibility Study for Cleveland's Waterfront

Lorain County Community College Sought a Strategic Real Estate Plan for 57 Acres of Land